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Mindfulness meditation for wellbeing

(in English language)

Mindfulness for wellbeing is showing how to gradually settle the mind and enhance natural happiness.  A path that the latest scientific advances show may help dissipate anxiety, stress, unhappiness and feeling of exhaustion.

In this 6 week meditation class you will learn to pay open heart attention to different aspects of the internal and external world. We will introduce different mediations for giving you practical ways to see thoughts as mental events and helping you cultivate an attitude of acceptance, compassion and empathy towards yourself and others. You will practice awareness of your emotions and experiences to get the choice and from there you may experience freedom, peace and wellbeing.

Each week we focus on a specific meditation to help to step out of your daily routine and give you new avenues to explore. Cultivating observation, moving to acceptance and growing compassion .

Every session will be 60 minutes were you experience a guided mindfulness meditation , sometimes mindful movements, some group discussion and theoretical explanation. You are invited to practice on your own during the week in order to deepen your practice.

If you sign up for the course we require to attend each session and  practice 6 days out of 7 to experience and to learn to implement mindfulness in your daily life.

What you need to bring: I recommend to put comfortable clothing and to bring a blanket.

Who will be your trainer?

The session will be held by Gabriella Fitterer- Mesce, certified mindful (MBSR) trainer. Gabriella  worked  for over 20  years as Human Resources Manager  with different multinational companies  in the personal development and talent management. Gabriella loved her job but she felt the missing of a real tool to help people to become more efficient and to coop better with their daily life as employee and  parent.  She was looking for the key to freedom and peace in this frantic world. When her son was born, she became herself overwhelmed by the daily life challenges and decided to work as independent consultant for Human Resources for a Human Consultant Agency trying to combine her professional ambition with her role as mother. She experienced a severe sickness which brought her finally on her path to mindfulness. Having experienced this, she is now committed to live mindfulness in her daily life and is grateful for that.


5 group session from 21.2.2018-21.3.2018

Wednesday from 19:30-21:00


Contact before either by phone or email


10€ per session


A blanket and  wear comfortable clothing

Praticien : 
Gabriella Mesce
Contact : 
0498/ 85.28.24

“ A serious frivolity”

Savoring the substance

of existence

is a serious


Someone must do it.


Someone must love

luminous hours when leaves

marry light and refuse

to stop



Someone must speak

the sweetness

of lilacs

before it is lost

beneath smog.



Someone must bask

in the beauty of blessing

because the news knows only



When you give yourself

to a particular place

the power

and peace

of that place

give themselves

through you.


So savoring the substance    

of existence

is a serious frivolity

Someone must do it.

Will that someone :  be you ? 


-- Bernadette Miller

Who is Gabriella Mesce ?

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